Saturday, 23 February 2013

Imposing the Grid

This is one of a series of paintings in a long-term project called 'Imposing the Grid'

Its about the land, and how we relate to it.

Part of this series will be an important element of my solo exhibition at Art Geo in Busselton in April.

I will also be giving a talk at the gallery about the exhibition and about the development of these works .

Relax like this...

Friday, 22 February 2013

More cat studies

Waldo, my most professional and cooperative  model!
Getting there, but still some work to do to get the feel I want.


Monday, 18 February 2013

Art Geo Exhibition, Busselton

Just had a visit at my studio from Sharon Williams, the Curator of Art Geo Gallery in Busselton, and Liz Clark, her offsider.
The purpose of the visit was to firm up the details of my solo exhibition in April.
Fortunately the work is going well, so with a bit of luck most of the pieces should be dry by the time I get them to the framers!

Sunday, 17 February 2013


I was thinking about blocks to creativity in painting and writing, and tried to visualize what they might look like.
Here’s a first pass – a block covered with the opening lines of  great literary works – probably not much use if you can’t get started on your own opus.
Remembered the apostrophe too!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Chick lit?

While this was fun to do the subject is not that funny.

I wanted to make a point in a non preachy but powerful way

Let me know what you think

Monday, 11 February 2013


Wine glass    3b pencil on 185 gsm hp paper  27cm x 34 cm

Had a flat spell recently so decided to go back to basics.
One of my ways to get past creative blocks is to set up and quickly sketch a few objects like this.
Now! Back to the paints

Vasse Art Award entry

Sumiko       oil on canvas   92cm x 62cm

Just sent off my entry for the Vasse Art Prize. Not at the last minute as usual!
I’m still experimenting with media and colour.
This study was done with a credit card and palette knife in oils – great fun.

The watercolour below was done on a very cold and blustery morning – fortunately the coffee van was nearby! 
Yallingup Spring Morning water colour 22cm x 32cm

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Oil on water

A quick watercolour study at Point Piquet with Doug Kirsop and Liz Scott.

Wonderful clear water. 

Later, in the studio in oils I don't feel I quite nailed the clarity and freshness  

Nothing beats being out there!